Welcome to Open Knowledge Somalia
Open Knowledge (aka OK) Somalia is part of the Open Knowledge International non-profit network focused on open data. OK, International advocates helping civil society to…
Open Knowledge (aka OK) Somalia is part of the Open Knowledge International non-profit network focused on open data. OK, International advocates helping civil society to…
Muhiimada Xogta Xogtu (DATA) waxay leedahay awooda balaaran oo saameeyn xoogan ku yeelankaro habka bulshadu u nooshahay. Dunida maanta waxaa loo yaqaana (Information Age ) Casriga…
Open Data Day is a yearly celebration of open data all around the world. 2019 OPEN Knowledge Somali organized for the 1st time Open Data…
In recent years Data Literacy has become a global issue and many data literacy initiatives have been documented throughout the world, particularly in the field…